Immigration in Canada: Statistics & Facts

Canada has been a top destination for immigrants for centuries, dating back to the first European settlers in the 16th century. Today, Canada’s immigration rate is among the highest globally, with nearly 500,000 new immigrants annually. As of 2023, over eight million permanent residents lived in Canada, accounting for roughly 20% of the total population.

Public opinion on Canada’s immigration policy remains divided. In 2021, 39% of Canadians believed that immigration levels should be reduced, while 34% were satisfied with the current rate.

Immigration Laws in Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (2002) governs immigration in Canada, categorizing immigrants into four main classes:

  • Family Class – Allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor family members.
  • Economic Class – Focuses on skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and investors contributing to the economy.
  • Refugee Class – Grants entry to individuals fleeing persecution and human rights violations.
  • Other Class – Covers immigrants accepted for humanitarian or compassionate reasons.

The economic immigration class dominates, accounting for more than twice the number of permanent residents compared to family-sponsored immigrants. In 2021, refugees comprised only 17% of Canada’s annual immigration intake, with over 23,000 government-assisted refugees receiving state support for one year, including housing, food, and job assistance.

Employment and Education of Immigrants in Canada

Canada’s skilled immigration system attracts highly educated individuals. Around two-thirds of new immigrants hold a university degree or post-secondary certification. However, the immigrant unemployment rate has historically been one percentage point higher than that of natural-born Canadians.

The longer immigrants stay in Canada, the higher their chances of employment. In 2023, immigrants who had lived in Canada for over a decade had an unemployment rate three points lower than those who arrived within the last five years.

Immigration to Canada by Country

According to the latest Canadian census, India is the leading source country for immigrants, followed by the Philippines. In 2021, one-third of new Canadian immigrants were of Indian origin, and this trend is expected to continue.


Canada’s immigration system remains one of the most structured and welcoming in the world. While it offers tremendous opportunities for skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and refugees, challenges such as employment barriers and housing affordability persist. As Canada continues to refine its immigration policies, it remains an attractive destination for those seeking a better quality of life, career opportunities, and a pathway to citizenship.

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